Happy Birthday Sara
“They” say you’re the most happiest in your thirties. All I can say is that the 30’s have a lot to live up to. Spending over the past decade with you has been way more than I could’ve ever imagined – thats for sure. So bring on what you can thirties, because you got some big shoes to fill. At the same time I know our thirties will be awesome! How could it not be? Although in some ways I still feel like were 21, other ways I feel like I’m 51. Maybe we can’t stay up quite as late as we used to or drink as much and maybe birthday parties look a little different than they did 10 years ago BUT we’re still pretty awesome!
One thing thats going to be so sweet about you 30th year of life… Is that sweet little baby girl you’re going to bring into this world. That sweet, precious, hopefully red headed, no named, little girl is going to be the best thing about this year and many years to come.
As I mentioned – we may not be able to do things like we’re 20 any more but in my opinion we have learned to do so much more valuable things. We’ve learned to raise children, we’ve learned to support a family off a career that we created together, we’ve learned that in the time of crisis we are still strong, we have learned that there aren’t many projects we cant tackle together AND in my opinion these are all better qualities than how good you are at flip cup. Although you can still throw down if the occasion arrises. not right now of course
Babe… Boo Bear.. Wifey… Mommy… You may have many more names now. Whichever you choose to go by today, I wish you the very best birthday and wonderful next chapter of your life. Now, while some of us have a few more months in their twenties, I promise not to rub it in too much =)
Happy Birthday babe!
Thank you so much for reading through another episode of The Married Podcast. Head on over to listen through the entire episode or if you are more of a watching person check out our YouTube channel for the entire real episode live in our very own home with a super cool neon sign. Don’t forget to leave any questions or comments in the section below and as always share away! If you loved this episode we would love to see you leave us a review <3