HOLY MOLY! Only 2 short months away and we will officially have a real live breathing 1-year-old. It’s so funny because almost a year ago I had a newborn and I thought, ” WOW. A year is such a long time. How will I make it?”. I mean this parenting stuff is real hard yall. This cute precious child isn’t always just that, but my goodness he warms out hearts more days than not. I would need to write a novel to discuss all the things this past year has brought. We are just really enjoying our sweet boy right now. He’s growing so big and getting an even bigger personality. Like when you fake laugh at him and he will fake laugh right back. You could say he is gonna be a huge jokester. The latest “funny” is I say “Jax, MAMA?” – Because he has yet to ACTUALLY say it to make me believe its more than just a syllable – He retorts back with a shake of his head as if saying “No”. Like really bud? I grew and birthed you and I can’t even get a sweet little MAMA. Oh well, I’ll take it because he is just learning to express yourself and that’s pretty neat.
He currently loves trying to walk. We are pretty much all covered in bumps and bruises right now but soon enough he is going to be sprinting around this house. An even bigger reality is that he will most certainly take after his uncle Clayton with the climbing. I have only heard stories due to being the youngest sibling. However, my brother Clayton was apparently on top of the fridge by one. We are half way there. He is climbing on everything! In fact he will climb from one item to the next and end up on top of the couch. We are certain if a baby crawling race comes to Birmingham Jax would get the gold. He is fast and even faster up the stairs if that even makes any sense. To say he is absolutely everywhere is so true!
Finally got those two top teeth coming in for a total of 4. We are waving hello / goodbye / just waving because it’s cool and I can. Possibly saying “Hi”; being a new parent I’m very much always in denial of “new” words haha can’t give credit where it isn’t due. Overall, this past month has been a game changer. These have been our favorite pictures so far and man oh man look at that personality!
One Comment
I needed this this morning. HE is simply perfect. Love y’all